Komiks Review: Prolouge and Weather-weather lang

Time for another komiks review. And I not only have one but two komiks sent in by Norby Ela of Yo! Bo! fame.

Prologue and 'Weather-weather Lang' are two of Norby's recent works. At first glance they are almost polar opposites of each other: Prologue being a silent komik while  'Weather-weather Lang' is driven by dialogue. What seems to bind them together is Norby's trademark 'sensitivity' which he puts into his works.

'Weather-weather Lang' was created first and it became the author's entry in a local 24-hour comic book challenge. The story centers around an English-language teacher (with Norby's trademark character in the role) and his Korean student, who apparently is irritated with everything Filipino. His teacher tells him that all's not bad with the Philippines and proceeded to teach him a thing or two about the culture. All of a sudden, the pair found themselves in the middle of a flash flood. The pair's discourse continues and ends with the two warming up on each others nuisances and of course, their rescue from their predicament.

'Weather-weather Lang' lives true to its form as a tribute to those devastated by Typhoon Ondoy. Its a heart-warming, feel good read. One that you could share with friends especially those who are not into komiks.

In contrast, Prologue is a silent, well, prologue to a bigger story. Basically a super hero origin story, its that kind of komiks that's better experienced rather than hearing it from another. So whatever Norby is cooking up for this one,I'm sure its going to be something good.

Prologue has better art than 'Weather-weather Lang' and it reflects Norby's improvement over the last couple of years between the two. Even then both works are top-notch and are must gets if you happen to chance upon Norby at a convention.

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